This Vanilla Bean Extract is super simple to make and it’s so much cheaper to make yourself!! Don’t be scared, it’s super simple and you’ll love it, we are sure.

Even though vanilla bean pods are expensive to buy, it still works out a lot cheaper to make your own given how long they last.


  1. Ensure the jar is completely airtight otherwise the alcohol will evaporate.  Over time the mixture will absorb the flavour of the vanilla and darken.  Due to the alcohol content, this extract will last for a very long time.
  2. If you are going to make vanilla bean paste you can use the soaked vanilla bean pods from this extract.  Then simply add more pods and top up the vodka, this way you will never run out.

Jo and Tracey x

October 22, 2019
  • 5m
  • 5m


  • 1 c vodka
  • 8 organic vanilla beans


  1. Split the vanilla beans in half lengthwise to expose the seeds.
  2. Place these into an airtight sterilised jar to soak with the vodka for a minimum of 6-8 weeks.
  3. Leave in a cool, dark place and give the jar a little shake every week or so.
  • Lots