In commercial store-bought laundry liquids, you are likely to find SLS’s, fragrances, artificial colours and all sorts of other nasty chemicals that pollute our waterways and wreak havoc on our marine life.  They are also damaging to our health, especially our endocrine systems, given we absorb the chemicals through our skin.

That’s even if the bottle lists the ingredients at all.  Sometimes you may be likely to just find the active ingredients, but not the full list or not even find an ingredients list at all.  This is because, in Austalia, companies aren’t required to list the full ingredients.  Pretty dodgy huh?!

Did you know that you can clean your clothes just as effectively in a low-tox way that is going to not only harm you or affect our waterways from toxic chemicals being flushed down the pipes?

Oh, and did we mention it’s also heaps cheaper to make it this way too? ? ?

Tip: Add some of the liquid to a spray bottle and use as a DIY stain remover.

December 14, 2020
  • 5m
  • 5m
  • 1


  • 1 bottle doTERRA On Guard laundry liquid
  • 3 c unscented castile soap
  • doTERRA lemon essential oil
  • filtered or cooled boiled water
  • 3 empty On Guard laundry liquid bottles


  1. Using the full bottle and the 3 empty ones, divide 1 bottle of On Guard laundry liquid between all 4 bottles.
  2. Add 1 c castile soap to each bottle.
  3. Add 30 drops lemon essential oil to each bottle for a fresher scent and additional cleaning power.
  4. Fill the remainder of each bottle with filtered water.
  5. Use one capful per full load of washing.