Ever wondered what is in those blue bottles you spray over your glass and windows? Have you ever read the ingredients to see what you are using?  Have you then realised that there is no list of ingredients???

Say what?!

Yup, you have read that right… It is not the law to list ingredients on cleaning products, so most companies don’t do it. Although, I will say that when I checked out the website of a very popular blue window cleaner they do have a full list of what is inside their products, so that was pretty great.

What wasn’t so great was that some ingredients, by their own admission, were linked to skin irritations, yet were still included in their products.  There was also no warning to wear gloves or use eye protection, even though these ingredients are known irritants.

Then there is the question – why is the glass cleaner blue?  This is a hidden ingredient, it is stated on the website that it is a colourant or dye.  Great, but what makes up the dye.  Well, that is a trademark ingredient and therefore I couldn’t find that out.

It is our guess that this is a petroleum-derived colourant that would not be great for your health.

Becoming informed of the products you use around the house is important.

One of the easiest ways to know EXACTLY what you use is to make your own.  Not only will it save you money, but it will also save your body from inhaling or absorbing a whole stack of unnecessary (potentially harmful) ingredients.

This recipe is super easy, super cheap, super effective, and super safe.

Every time we vote with our dollar, every time we choose better products we are making a difference to the planet and to our health.

Hints & Tips

  • Remember to shake well prior to each use.
  • Spray over glass surfaces and wipe away with a dry, clean, lint free cloth.
  • You can use this recipe to clean stainless steel appliances and mirrors.

Tracey & Jo

June 10, 2020
  • 2m
  • 5m


  • spray bottle (300 - 500 ml)
  • white vinegar
  • filtered water or distilled water
  • 20 drops lemon essential oil


  1. Mix 3 parts white vinegar with 1 part distilled water (eg. 3/4 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup water).
  2. Add essential oil and shake well to combine.