We carry on with Part Two of this incredibly informative episode with Jody Vassallo talking all things ayurveda and how our ayurvedic dosha’s correlate with perimenopause and menopause.

It’s important to stress that these two episodes are not just for those in these stages of life, but vital for all women to learn especially those who will one day move into the perimenopause and menopause stages of life.

So, if you haven’t listened to Podcast 201 – Part One: Ayurvedic Bliss: Navigating Perimenopause & Menopause, then we suggest you go and listen to that first.

Carrying on where Jody left off from Podcast 201, let’s talk about the third Ayurvedic Dosha…

Jody goes into great detail about each ayurveda dosha type and how they can affect those in perimenopause or menopause, so have a listen to the episode for a more in-depth explanation, but in general, let’s carry on where Jody left off from Podcast 201 and talk about the third Ayurveda Dosha…

Kapha Dosha

“Kapha types have strong frames and are naturally athletic as long they are exercising regularly to manage their tendency to gain weight. The influence of the earth and water elements makes them innately stable, compassionate, and loyal. They appreciate doing things in a methodical, step-by-step manner, and prefer a regular routine in their personal and professional lives. When imbalanced they can become unmotivated, stubborn, and complacent even when change is necessary. Their metabolism tends to be slow and their appetite for both food and stimulation is less intense than vata or pitta types. They benefit from exposing themselves to new environments, people, and occasionally fasting.”

You can also be bi-doshic

“Bi-doshic indicates that you share qualities strongly with two doshic types, and is actually how most of us are. People with dual constitutions (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, and vata-kapha) are, in a sense, “split.” Under certain conditions, one dosha will predominate and under other circumstances the other dosha will. The best way to manage bi-doshic prakriti is by the season. For example, if you have a vata-pitta or vata-kapha prakriti, during autumn, which is a vata season, you’d follow a vata-decreasing regimen. During warm weather, you’d follow a pitta-decreasing regimen. During the cold and wet season, you’d follow kapha.”

 And tri-doshic

“Tri-doshic means having equal amounts of each doshic influence. The tri-doshic person can be very strong, stable, and adaptable when in balance. When they are out of balance, however, they can experience poor health. The key is to preserving your personal balance is to hone your sensitivity for noticing potential imbalances that may arise from your environment or from dietary or emotional imbalances, and to adopt practices that will counter-balance these influences. For example, in autumn, a tri-doshic person would act if they were a person with a vata constitution and follow a vata-balancing lifestyle and diet. The same is true for the other seasons: Employ a pitta-balancing regimen when the weather is hot and a kapha-balancing regimen when the weather is cold and damp.”

Dosha Information Sourced from: https://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/health/intro-ayurveda/

How do you know your own dosha type?

Jody has a chart on her website that you can use to work out which dosha type you are.

Download the chart

What if you’re not in perimenopause or menopause yet?

Even if you aren’t in perimenopause now, it’s important to not only figure out your dosha type but to learn all the things that Jody has detailed in this episode, so that you can know what to look out for when the time comes that you do enter perimenopause and menopause.

Support for children during the stages of life

Jody even gave us some great hints and tips to help support children through their various stages of life – especially in this predominantly technological age we live in.

These two episodes were so insightful and honestly, we only really scratched the surface.  Jody is a wealth of knowledge, and we cannot recommend following her highly enough so you can learn more.

As she said during these episodes which is such an incredible mantra for life….

We need to learn to simmer, not boil!

You can find Jody at all these places:


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Much love,
Jo & Tracey x