Welcome to Podcast 200, where we’re diving into the world of additive-free travel. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or planning your first adventure, we’ve got you covered with insights on maintaining your additive-free choices while on the road.
Gosh… 200 podcast episodes are now in the bag! Wowsers! Hopefully, you’ve gotten something from them, and if you haven’t listened to them all, then check out all of them on your fave podcast app.
Let’s dive in… today we are focusing on how best to continue living additive-free whilst travelling.
As you may already know it can be tough going on long road trips and staying additive-free but, we promise it is possible.
Here are our best tried and test tips to make road trips easier:
Fuel your bodies with a hearty breakfast
Let’s be real, we can all get hangry at times and there’s nothing worse than being confined in a car when someone is grumpy and moody because they’re hungry.
It is so worth the effort to make sure you all have a good brain fuelling breakfast before heading off on your trip. Even if this means you are getting up before the crack of dawn, it will pay off in happy tummies.
Consider pre-preparing all the food and drinks you are going to need for the road trip the night before.
Breakfast on the go ideas:
👉🏻 Smoothies
👉🏻 Egg and bacon bites
👉🏻 Bento boxes
👉🏻 Chia puddings
👉🏻 Breakfast slice
👉🏻 Granola parfait
👉🏻 Breakfast wraps
There are so many options and if you have a thermos or insulated container, you could heat them up before heading off so you can enjoy them nice and warm in the car.
Pack all the food you need to get you to your destination!
Pack filling snacks and lunch foods for the road trip such as:
👉🏻 Nuts
👉🏻 Popcorn
👉🏻 Homemade or additive-free muesli bars
👉🏻 Fruit
👉🏻 Bliss balls
👉🏻 Boiled eggs (yeah… they do stink so maybe eat them during a rest stop to stretch your legs)
👉🏻 Zucchini slice
👉🏻 Chicken drumsticks
👉🏻 Sausages
👉🏻 Sandwiches
👉🏻 Protein pancakes
👉🏻 Homemade gummies
👉🏻 Date bites
👉🏻 Homemade trail mix
So, whenever you hear those dreaded words… “Mum, I’m hungry” – you can whip something out in no time at all. Because the kids will be bored and will want to eat, so best to hand them good healthy foods instead of junk food which in the long wrong could lead to it affecting their moods and tummies from an additive reaction.
Check out our cookbooks for plenty of recipe ideas.
Take all the water you need for all of you.
Even consider making your coffee/tea/hot drinks prior to leaving home and then just take them in a thermos.
They’re likely to be better than servo coffees anyway.
Get all this ready (except for the hot drinks) the night before and have a cooler bag ready to go, also have your ice blocks frozen and ready to go to.
A lot of people don’t know this but when you fly your digestive system gets compressed and is quite sluggish during plane travel which can lead to constipation. Your whole body gets really dehydrated when you fly too.
It’s really important to drink lots of water and eat fruit with a high water content whilst flying to keep your body dehydrated and your digestive system functioning properly.
Myth busted… we have heard a lot over the years “but you can’t take food on the plane”. The actual truth is you can take whatever you like (within reason lol) on the plane, but you are restricted in what you take off the plane when you land. This doesn’t mean you can’t take any food off the plane, it just means you need to check the restrictions for wherever you are going.
For example, some states and countries prohibit taking food off the plane. This means that you take fruit on the plane with you and consume it on the plane or if you don’t consume it all, leave it on the plane.
The good news is you can pack and take all the food you need for your plane travel – especially on long-haul flights, which means you aren’t needing to consume additive-laden plane food.
You can often let this slip when travelling home – especially if you have been away for a while because you don’t have your own kitchen to prepare food and your routine is out of whack. In these instances, we would suggest getting what you can, additive-free, from the supermarket or health food store to get you through your flight home.
If Tracey is only going away for a few days, she will often pack snacks for the plane ride home (of course, ensuring that she stays within the requirements for this).
Back in 2019 Tracey, her husband and their two teenage daughters flew over to America for a holiday and they took their own food on the plane on the way over, each kept in their own little cooler bags. They had zucchini slice, chicken salad, fruit, snacks and their own water (as much as they are allowed) and then drank the water on the plane thereafter. When they landed in America they felt great and not sluggish from eating additive-laden food. It also helped their jet lag too.
They also used their little cooler bags whilst travelling around America and when out and about. This meant that by taking their own food they saved a fortune from having to pay the exorbitant food prices at places like Disneyland when they went there.
Also – a great product to have on hand with you whilst travelling is doTERRA’s TerraZyme which is a product that will support your gut health whilst you’re eating out and doing all the things that can add stress to your body. Because let’s face it – we are not perfect whilst travelling, we will eat out sometimes and not drink as much water as would normally and all this adds stress to your body.
Travelling with water
If travelling overseas you can’t take water off the plane so to get around this we travelled with our own Waters Co water filter bottle which is basically a one-person water bottle that filters the water for you. You can get them HERE – use our code ADDFREELIFE7 for 7% off.
We would use these filter bottles to filter water and then pour it into our drink bottles.
You know how much we love our oils, we use them every single day which includes using them when we travel. Yep, those little bottles of goodness come with us everywhere!
Oils on planes
A little disclaimer at the start… we are very respectful of those around us when using oils on a plane. We apply our oils topically before getting on the plane and then if we need some support whilst on the plane we will simply open the bottle up and take a big sniff and then close the bottle again so the smell isn’t lingering and bothering others.
Jo likes to choose oils that are calming for flying as she has been a nervous flyer in the past such as Siberian Fir, doTERRA’s Peace Blend or Balance.
Oils in cars
For long road trips, we usually get the diffuser going. We love to diffuse a blend like doTERRA’s Balance blend when we need to calm the farm or some lovely citrus or mint oils for when we need some uplifting if we are tired and sluggish.
Travel sickness
Yes, you can even use oils to help with travel sickness! Believe us when we say we know all about this because Tracey gets motion sickness a lot! Some really great oils to apply topically to help curb or alleviate motion sickness are:
👉🏻 doTERRA’s Tamer Blend – part of the Kids Collection Kit
👉🏻 Spearmint
👉🏻 Peppermint oil or beadlets
👉🏻 Ginger
The doTERRA Kids Collection Kit (the one with the roller bottles) is a really great collection of oils to take with you because they can help in all these ways:
👉🏻 Sleep
👉🏻 Calming
👉🏻 Motion Sickness
👉🏻 Sanitising hands
👉🏻 Pure-fumes
The good thing is, the Kids Collection is really great to use on the whole family, making it super versatile.
Sanitising whilst travelling
We love to use the doTERRA On Guard Hand Sanitising Spray or the On Guard Beadlets which are little beadlets with 1/3 of a drop of On Guard Blend in them which you can burst onto your hands to sanitise them.
Skin dehydration
We make sure to take lip gloss/lip balm on the plane with us. We love the doTERRA one as it is additive-free and super hydrating.
We also love to take hand moisturiser on the plane with us because our skin will inevitably get really dry from flying. We love the doTERRA Rose Hand Lotion which we use on our hands, legs, arms, face, and basically anywhere we need to – it’s a great additive-free option.
Lymphatic drainage
The other great thing to do whilst flying is the lymphatic drainage technique which you can absolutely do over your clothes. We have recently recorded a whole two-part podcast episode with Chelsey Jean from Chelsey Jean Lymphatics all about lymphatic drainage and how to do it. Check them out here:
Podcast 189 – Part 1
Podcast 190 – Part 2
You could do the technique in the plane toilet or if you’re not comfortable doing it at all on the plane, then make sure you do it before and after travel to get everything circulating efficiently again.
Diffusing while away
We both take diffusers away with us – again we love our doTERRA diffusers. Diffusing whilst away is a really great way to:
👉🏻 Purify hotel rooms
👉🏻 Create an emotional anchor for your holiday experience
👉🏻 Calm the kids down after a busy day sight-seeing
👉🏻 Help you all sleep peacefully
It’s even a good idea to diffuse the same oils you would at home as it creates an environment that feels more like home which will get you settled more quickly and can definitely help the kids transition too.
Side note – if you are in a hotel that has lots of fragrance in it – first off ditch any reed diffusers and put them in a cupboard or outside on a balcony if you can to remove the smell, or simply ask the front desk to remove it for you. Make sure to have any available windows open for a while to flush out the fake fragrance smell too. Then diffuse your own oils that will purify and freshen the air.
We hope this has given you some hints and tips on how best to travel additive-free.
Armed with the right knowledge, we will know you will do the best you can under the circumstances.
If you want to get some doTERRA oils or products into your life and join our incredibly supportive and educational team, then head HERE.
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Much love,
Jo & Tracey x
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