A few weeks ago, I was walking my dog and had only gotten a short distance from home when I twisted my ankle. Don’t ask me how I did it, because I have no clue – let’s just chalk it up to one of life’s great mysteries! Haha

At the time of recording this podcast episode I was about 3 weeks post ankle injury and it’s still a bit sore, bruised, and a little swollen.  Safe to say I did a good job of it!

To support healing, I did all the usual things within the first 24-48 hours, including:

⛑️ Rest
⛑️ Ice
⛑️ Compression

I shared about it over on our Instagram stories…

It will come as no surprise that I definitely got my essential oils out as well.  If you’ve been around here a while, you’ll know how much I love essential oils… for ALL the things!

The other thing I really wanted to up my game on, was taking more supplements and self-care to support my body.

Disclaimer: This is what I did to support my body, it is up to you to do your own research, and/or seek your own medical advice, as to what is right for your body because everybody is different.

So, here’s a breakdown of all the things I did to help my ankle through this injury:


The oils I used topically right onto the bruised and swollen area of my ankle were:

🌟 Frankincense
🌟 Wintergreen
🌟 Lavender
🌟 Marjoram
🌟 Lemongrass (I had run out of this but would have used it if I had some)

I added each oil into a squirt of fractionated coconut oil and then gently rubbed it on my ankle.  I did this multiple times each day.

Knowing how much essential oil to fractionated coconut oil to use really depends on the age of the person using them.  To help you, here’s a handy guide with the relevant dilution rates.


Day time application: I got out a little egg cup (or you could use any little bowl such as a dipping bowl) and made a bigger batch, so I could dip my fingers in it and apply this multiple times a day.

Night time application: To make things easier, and so as not to risk spilling the egg cup in a sleepy stupor, I made up a roller bottle with this blend with a few exceptions…

LEFT OUT: Wintergreen (it keeps me awake at night)

ADDED IN: Copaiba and Vetiver (great oils for restful sleep)

I then placed the cap stickers of the oils onto the roller bottle, so I knew exactly what was in the blend. Believe me, this is the best tip ever because then you won’t have a gazillion roller bottles lying around the house and not have a clue as to what’s in them… I know this from firsthand experience! Lol

Having the roller bottle on my bedside table was so handy because I could just roll over during the night if I woke up in discomfort and roll the oils right onto my ankle and go back to sleep. No mess, no fuss.


This blend is really versatile because I also use it for:

👉🏻 My bursitis
👉🏻 My perimenopause symptoms

If you’re going through perimenopause like me, you may have noticed that your joints and bones seem to ache, especially at night. I have also been using this on my aches and it’s so helpful.


I can be a bit slack on keeping up with doing my dry body brushing which is AMAZING for your lymphatic system.

I made sure to do it religiously each day to not only support my lymphatic system but to also increase the blood flow around my body which was then going to support healing of my injury.  I made sure to brush gently around my ankle, but everywhere else I used the same good pressure I always use.

Stay tuned because if you don’t know too much about dry body brushing, we have an episode coming up soon all about it and our lymphatic system.


The other thing I did was get into my sauna which I am lucky enough to have at home. I have a full spectrum sauna from Found Space (formerly called iHealth Saunas) – head HERE for our discount code if you want to get one for yourself.  I can’t tell you how much I love my sauna and how beneficial it has been investing in it.  We have a whole episode dedicated to all things saunas from when we interviewed Alex Tyson the CEO of Found-Space.  You can check out that episode HERE.

Having regular saunas during this period was so beneficial for my ankle. It increased blood flow and I did notice when I got out of the sauna that my ankle would throb a little but in a good way, in a way that felt like it was being supported by increased blood flow.

Of course, please seek your own advice on this topic, but this is what worked for me.


The supplements that I love taking for support are:

doTERRA Ice Blue Polyphenol Complex

There are plenty of articles and studies about the benefits of polyphenols to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation so have a Google and you’ll be amazed.

I use this particular supplement for muscle soreness and discomfort.  I was already taking this daily to help support my bursitis and perimenopause achy joints, so it was good to know it was going to help my ankle as well.

doTERRA Turmeric Dual Chamber Capsules

These capsules combine turmeric essential oil and turmeric extract in a dual chamber capsule.  This combination maximises the effectiveness and benefits of both compounds toward a healthy inflammatory response.

Again, I was already taking these capsules at the time for my bursitis and peri symptoms, so it was a no-brainer that they would also support my ankle injury.

doTERRA TerraZyme

This is a digestive enzyme supplement that is really great for my digestive and immune health, as well as helping the body absorb nutrients better.

They also help to support healthy metabolic function.

All these weapons in my arsenal will help foster a more rapid recovery for my ankle and help my body overall to thrive whilst healing.

So that’s it… that’s what I have used and something you could consider doing to help support your body through injury.

If you don’t yet have essential oils, then give them a try, they have been traditionally used for all sorts of things since the dawn of time and why not use natural resources that Mother Nature gives to us in abundance.

To get your own doTERRA essential oil account and to find out why we choose to use doTERRA, head HERE.

If you have found this episode (or any of our previous 186 episodes) helpful, then we would love it if you could leave us a review via your fave podcast app. Reviews really help us to know if our podcast content is resonating with you as well as getting our podcast out through the algorithm.

Thanks so much.

Much love,
Tracey x