Zooper Doopers or Quelch’s are firm favourites when it comes to school class celebrations.  Now, probably not for you since you’re reading this blog… but for the majority of schools around the country, these are what’s encouraged to be handed out if you want your child to host a class celebration, for let’s say, their birthday.

We also know they’re handed out for fundraising, sports days, hot weather days and even ‘clean out the canteen’ days.

So with 30+ students in a classroom, plus all the other days these are handed out, that’s a lot of consumption!!

If you’d like to make a difference and help your school choose a healthier alternative, download this letter, edit it to suit you and your family, then send it in to your school principal or relevant person in charge.

It might seem scary, but in reality, it’s not as bad as you think.  Just think about the number of lives you can change!

Most tuckshops have ‘party buckets’ which parents can buy.  Normally this consists of a bucket of Zooper Doopers or Quelch’s and the tuckshop staff take it up to the classroom.  Parents purchase it online via their tuckshop App and all is good to go.

Nothing for the parent to do but to buy it, so easy.

Most parents (we assume) would know that these aren’t a health food and say to themselves “one won’t matter”.  But once you know the potential side effects of the ingredients in Zooper Doopers and Quelch’s such as them being heavily linked to behavioural issues, respiratory issues (asthma attacks) and even some colours being carcinogenic (having the potential to cause cancer) you quickly change your mind.

Plus, then you realise that it’s not just one when you start to add up everyone’s birthdays and fundraising days listed above.  One every now and then, turns into one every week (or even more!).

We have covered all the nasty info about Zooper Doopers and Quelch in separate blog posts which you can check out here:

Zooper Doopers

So we’re on a mission to ditch these toxic foods from classrooms and tuckshops and we know you are too because you write in and ask how to make a difference all the time!

This is why we’ve put together this letter, to help you make a difference within your school community.

It might seem a bit scary, but seriously, what’s the worse that can happen?  They say no?  At least you’ve tried!

Please feel free to make it personal and reword what you like.  We’ve tried to keep it as generic as we can, but of course please add your own personal touch.

Good luck!  Write in and let us know how you go.

All the love,

Jo & Tracey x