We get asked all the time what are our best tips to incorporate living additive-free into your everyday lifestyle.
1. Turn packets over and read ingredient labels

Never trust the fronts of packets. Marketing is an art form and companies have become very, very good at tricky and deceptive labelling… it’s even got a name – green washing.
As an example, you might see words like ‘no added MSG’ or ‘no artificial colours’ on the front of food packets.
Or when looking at skin or haircare the bottles might be ‘earthy and natural’ tones, giving the impression they are trustworthy and safe.
But when you flip the box and start reading, it tells a different story.
The food may not have artificial colours but it’s probably filled with preservatives, and the ‘earthy and natural’ items are likely filled with artificial fragrances, colours and more.
It’s always worth checking!
2. Join a like-minded community

Finding your tribe is such an empowering thing.
When we started living this way we were told we were crazy, crackpot, hippy-dippy weirdos… we still get told this from time to time 🤣.
But when we found our people (people like you) it changed everything. Knowing you are not alone and having somewhere to ask questions without fear of being judged or ridiculed, well, it’s pretty darn amazing!
We have an open Facebook group that anyone is welcome to join, but if we are not your people (which is totally ok by the way) then find someone who will respect your choices to remove additives, preservatives and chemicals from your home and won’t judge you for the choices that you make.
Love and kindness all the way!
3. Start out slow, one thing at a time

Take one day, one week, one bottle, one packet at a time.
Maybe you start with food, then after a bit, you add in some DIY, or maybe it’s the other way around.
When one thing runs out search for a better option, make that simple swap you have seen in a previous post of ours, or even better DIY it yourself.
Start with one thing and progress from there.
We have dozens of free recipes right here on our website, we also have an App with an inbuilt scanner to scan ingredients as you shop, a podcast show, heaps of blog posts, our cookbooks, and of course, our various paid courses:
4. Don’t expect to know it all right away

Don’t rush into it, you will not know everything, nor should you put that pressure on yourself.
It has taken years for the both of us to gain the knowledge that we have.
This has involved many, many hours reading medical jargon, listening to wellness experts, attending seminars, doing online courses and basically absorbing as much information as we can about the topic.
It wasn’t an easy path to learn all the information we did, and we are still learning, every day.
It takes a lot of time and energy to stay current. So give yourself a break, no one is expecting you to be an expert overnight.
5. Get cooking and/or DIY your own

We know, we know….not everyone wants to cook it all from scratch or DIY everything… and we can promise you, neither do we.
You do not need to do it all, but you do kinda need to do some cooking and some DIY (hate to tell ya).
But don’t let this overwhelm you, remember step number three, start out slow!!!
DIY is very, very easy, the easiest, and probably quickest, thing you will do to create massive change. Most cleaning recipes take literally 30 seconds to make and we can promise that they work, it is all we use.
Pop on over and check out our DIY course – DIY Made Easy, or search in our recipes for all our free recipes, including all our food ones.
Let us know in the comments box what have been the biggest challenges you have had to overcome to create your very own additive-free lifestyle? Did you find it easy? What was the best tip you put into action to transition over to additive-free?
Now that you’ve read this blog, why not have a browse around our website here as there’s lots of information to get you started as well as some yummy recipes too.
Much love,
Jo & Tracey x
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