Making your own yoghurt will save you a fortune!  It’s pretty easy and you’ll wonder why you never tried making it before.  So your homework for today is to make this recipe, you won’t regret it!!

There are some tips I’d like to give however:

Thermomix TM6 Instructions Only (TM31 & 5 below in method)
Refer to Hints and Tips first.

  1. Add sugar, milk, milk powder, yoghurt starter and vanilla into mixing jug and stir for 5 seconds/speed 6.
  2. Select Warm Up Mode/40C (if using long life milk only) and go to step 3.  If using fridge milk then cook for 15 minutes/90°C/speed 3 but leave the starter out.
    – (Fridge milk step): Once that has finished, put the mix into the fridge (take the lid off) and turn on a timer for 50 minutes so you remember it’s in there. If you need the jug you can tip the mix into a clean bowl and put that into the fridge instead. Then you can use the mixing jug for something else.
    – After 50 minutes place the jug back into your machine and select the warm up function.  If it’s over 40C place back into the fridge.  The yoghurt won’t work if it’s over 40C.
    – Once it’s at 40C add the starter, mix 5 seconds/speed 4 and proceed to step 3.  If your mixture drops below 37/40C select the warm up mode/40C.  When it reaches temperature add the starter, mix 5 seconds/speed 4 and proceed to step 3.
  3. Pour the yoghurt mixture into a glass bowl with a lid (I use a Decor 1L bowl) and sit that bowl inside the Varoma (you can use smaller pots with lids, this will work too).  Rinse the Thermomix jug & add 250g water, plus a dash of lemon juice or white vinegar.
  4. With the jug, lid and Varoma in place, set Fermentation Mode / 8+ hours / 70°.  Once finished, place into the fridge and it will thicken more.
  5. Feel free to add pureed fruit on top once the yoghurt is set.


For a video tutorial showing you how to make it in a TM6, watch below:

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  1. You need to follow this recipe to the tee – it most probably won’t work if you don’t follow it.
  2. You need good quality milk.  You can purchase your milk on sale and freeze it, this will save you more money.  Non-homogenized milk is less processed than regular milk, however, in saying that, longlife milk will work great too and is quicker (organic longlife is affordable).
  3. Use a good quality starter (yoghurt).  We like Greek Jalna Pot Set which you can get in a small tub.
  4. Once you make yoghurt, freeze 80g of it.  This will be your starter for your next batch.
  5. Use your thermoserver or EziYo if you have one.  If not use a really thick bowl.  Wrap it well in a thick blanket if doing the TM31 or 5 method), you are trying to keep it at 37C for 8-12 hours.
    – Once wrapped in a good blanket sit is somewhere warmish but not next to a heater.  Just in a bedroom or somewhere, that’s not cold.
  6. You can leave your yoghurt sitting for up to 24 hours however the longer it sits the more tart it will taste.

Related Recipe: vanilla bean paste


Q: Do I have to use the milk powder?
A: You don’t, but it won’t go as thick and creamy.

Q: Can I use lite milk?
A: You can, but it won’t go as thick and creamy.

Q: How long will my yoghurt last before it goes out of date?
A: If stored in the fridge in an air-tight container it will last approx 2 weeks.

Q: What if my milk is nearly out of date, will this mean my yoghurt will go out of date too?
A: No, as long as your milk isn’t off, your yoghurt will still last approx 2 weeks once made.

Q: Do I have to use sugar?
A: No you don’t.  If you don’t use sugar it’ll be Greek yoghurt.

You can watch this old video of Jo making yoghurt in one of our YouTube Clips.

February 20, 2018
  • 12h
  • 20m
  • 12h 20m
  • 1


  • 50 g raw sugar
  • 1 L full cream milk (organic Longlife works best)
  • 50 g milk powder
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla bean powder or 2 tsp. vanilla bean paste
  • 80 g starter (vanilla or natural greek yoghurt - Jalna pot set is best)


Thermal Cooking Method (TM31 + TM5). Refer to description for TM6.

  1. Please read tips and FAQ above before starting.
  2. Put sugar, milk, milk powder, and vanilla into mixing jug and stir for 5 seconds/speed 6, then cook for 15 minutes/90°C/speed 3.
  3. Once that has finished, put the mix into your fridge (take the lid off) and turn on a timer for 50 minutes so you remember it's in there. If you need the jug you can tip the mix into a clean bowl and put that into the fridge instead. Then you can use the mixing jug for something else.
  4. Once the 50 minutes is up, put the milk mixture back into your mixing jug (if it isn't already) and put this back into the thermo machine. It will hopefully be at 37 degrees, if it's not put it back in the fridge for 10 minutes. When you machine says it's at 37°C leave it in the machine and wait for the temperature light to go OFF - this is important!
  5. As soon as the light goes off, add your starter and cook for 5 minutes/37°C/speed 3.
  6. Tip the yoghurt mixture into a thermal bowl, or a well-insulated bowl (or a thick glass bowl) with a lid. Wrap this in a blanket and sit it somewhere undisturbed for 12 hours.
  7. After 12 hours the yoghurt should be set and ready. Transfer to containers and store in the fridge.

Traditional Cooking Method

  1. Please read tips and FAQ above before starting. You need a cooking thermometer for this method.
  2. Put sugar, milk, milk powder, and vanilla into a pot over low/medium heat and stir constantly. Heat liquid to 90°C and cook it at this temperature for 15 minutes, continuing to stir constantly.
  3. Turn the heat off and allow to sit until the temperature comes back down to 35°C.
  4. Add the starter and cook for 5 minutes, at 37°C.
  5. Follow Steps 6 - 7 of the thermal method.


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