This is one of the more serious topics we have covered on The Whole Circle and one that we are super passionate about. As you know we are all about reducing the number of artificial additives and preservatives that we consume, so in today’s episode, we run through ingredients in four different branded ice blocks (and we’re not afraid to name and shame!). You will most likely be horrified by the chemical craziness that hides inside many brightly coloured ice blocks.


Zooper Doopers

The worst ingredients found in these ice blocks are petroleum-based food colours and the preservatives. All of these ingredients are dramatically linked to behavioural issues – lack of concentration, hyperactivity, restlessness etc. Then there are the other side effects, including headaches, skin irritations (like eczema) and it is highly recommended that anyone with asthma should avoid them. Some recent studies have even linked some of these food colours to cancer in lab animals. Totally crazy, right!!

Ingredients in a Zooper Dooper:

Water, Sugar, Food Acid(Citric Acid), Flavours, Colours(122,150d),110,102,123,133), Preservatives(202,211,223)


Whilst they appear (on the front of the packet) to be a bit of a better choice when it comes to ice blocks, we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but, unfortunately, they are not. These are not much better than the chemical mess of Zooper Doopers. The Quelch ice blocks are full of synthetic ingredients, mainly preservatives, that are just as harsh on our bodies.

There are still artificial food colours and the same list of preservatives (which kinda makes me smile, why does something designed to be frozen need three different preservatives, makes you think hey!).

Ingredients in Quelch:

Reconstituted Fruit Juices[Apple(93.2%), Grape(3.2%), Pear(1%), Orange(0.5%), Pineapple(0.5%), Passionfruit(0.3%), Mango(0.2%), Blackcurrant(0.1%)], Colours(110,163,150d,102), Flavours, Vegetable Gum(466), Food Acid(330), Preservatives(211,202,223)

It totally blows us away that children are given the chance to buy these ice blocks throughout the day. Or worse, handed them as rewards at school sports events, birthday parties and more. What‰Ûªs more, they then go back to class and are told to focus, sit still and learn. åÊDid you know that (alarmingly) up to 80% of a teacher‰Ûªs days can be spent controlling behaviour in the classroom due to hyperactivity?

How are the minds and bodies of our kids meant to deal with it all? The number of additives a child can consume in one day is beyond comprehension and we need to start taking this seriously, not laughing it off. It is not a joke and should never be seen as one.


Don’t be alarmed, we always have an option or two, because no one wants to miss out, right! We are excited to say that there are a couple of fantastic, and super yummy choices out there. Proud and Punch and Smooze are among our favourites.

These are full of natural ingredients that your body will recognise. There are no synthetic ingredients, unlike the ones above. These choices are made from real food, there are lots of different flavours and we feel these are much better choices.

There are other ‘ok-ish’ options as well, that are better choices than the chemical mess above. The standard lemonade icy-pole being one of them.

You can find all the nutritional links to both Proud and Punch and Smooze on the links below (and of course listen in to the show to hear more details).

Links & Resources

Additive-free made easy online course:

Nutritional panel links for:

  1. Superdooper>
  2. Quelch>
  3. Proud and Punch>
  4. Smooze >