We just can’t stop smiling in this episode as we hear about Nicole’s incredible story. She suffers from multiple diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and is also doubly immunosuppressed, meaning she picks up every cold that comes around.

At the onset of her disease, Nicole struggled to even hold a coffee cup on her own and eventually had to resign from her office management role. She is heavily medicated, which comes with many unwanted side effects, including not being able to go into sunlight, as she almost instantly burns. We learn that some of her scripts cost up to $1,800.00 per month!

After spilling one of her liquid medications on the floor and later finding it dry out into a horrible fatty mixture, she thought enough is enough. She simply didn’t want to put that in her body again.

Nicole gave our Additive Free Made Easy course a red hot go! We hear all about the transformational changes in her lifestyle, where she is now indulging in fresh fruits and vegetables, barely eating any processed foods and even working out at the gym.

This course has truly been life changing for Nicole, and while she still has to take her pain medications, she has already been able to wean herself off one of them! 

To view this on YouTube, please click on the link below and watch her incredible story!

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