We were lucky enough to meet Melissa in the Philippines at the Tropical Think Tank conference. Melissa has a passion for supporting transgender and non-binary youth in their transitions.

Melissa studied social work and graduated from Rhode Island College with a focus on School Social work. For many years she worked in schools creating programs and teaching health. It was at this time she became aware of the needs of LGBTQ students and the staff working with them.

In this podcast, we dive into some fascinating topics!

With transgender becoming more and more accepted in today’s society, Melissa helps us to understand the key differences between often misunderstood abbreviations to describe sexual orientations and gender. What some young people go through is heartbreaking and hopefully, this episode helps to dispell some of the mistruths surrounding transgender people.

Melissa explains practical ways to support young children, particularly if they are gay, and how you can help them solidify their identity and lead a happy life.

Ever wondered if someone is born gay? What about whether parts are completely functional post-surgery in sex changes? Melissa goes into depth to answer all of our curious questions!

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