In this episode of The Whole Circle, we talk to Kylie Lowe – an energised breast cancer survivor (and thriver) and founder of Joining Hands.

Her daughters were just 4 years old and 8 months old at the time of her diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer. She was given a zero percent chance of survival without surgery (yep ZERO).

Kylie endured a mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes, a long five months of chemotherapy and five weeks of radiotherapy. Alongside all the traditional treatments, Kylie created her own natural treatment plan and survived cancer.

Kylie discusses the many holistic ways she tackled cancer post-chemo including the practice of mindfulness, veganism, fasting and juicing.

Kylie is the inspiring and driving force behind the innovative social enterprise, Joining Hands. All who come into contact with Kylie agree that her energy draws you into being part of the Joining Hands vision. She believes passionately about using health and well-being to bring about healing and has seen first hand the benefits of access to health and well-being can have in the lives of homeless and vulnerable young people.

Kylie’s professional background is working with homeless and disadvantaged young people and their children for over 17 years. In 2008, after being diagnosed with cancer, she decided to work towards providing health and wellbeing services to these vulnerable members of society. Kylie started offering monthly free 3-4 hour Complementary Health Clinics to homeless young women and their children. Many of these young people had suffered trauma and abuse and were left with limited to no support or the financial means to access other means to bring about health and well-being. The results were amazing and up to 15 young women would turn up for the monthly clinic, allowing only 10 minutes each. Even with this limited time for treatments, the results continued to be profound. Kylie started Joining Hands in January 2012 in order to overcome the struggle for funding this important work, and the movement has been building momentum ever since.

Her story is nothing short of incredible and if you also felt this way we would love for you to connect with Kylie and donate to her amazing cause.

Links & Resources

Website | Facebook | Kylie’s Cancer Healing Foundation