In this exciting second part of our sleep series podcast, we tune in once again with Lucy who gives us some great advice on what strategies we can use to assist in our sleep patterns in order to bring about more quality rest.

We gain valuable insight into the different types of food that can assist in a good night’s sleep and also what foods or beverages to avoid. In particular, we look at the effect of carbohydrates and how they influence the release of serotonin which in turn partners up with melatonin.

We also explore the interesting factors of how sleep affects our body weight and the link between a poor night’s sleep and the release of particular stress hormones.

It’s hard to believe how much our modern lifestyles are influencing our sleep patterns and Lucy dives right in to explain our body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm and how electronic devices are interrupting that natural cycle and what we can do to improve our daily habits.

We find out what exactly is going on inside the brain and how, through lights emitted from electronic devices, it can be fooled into thinking it’s daytime when it’s not.

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