Today we’re chatting with Lucy, a self-proclaimed “sleep nerd” who spreads her wealth of knowledge on the topic of sleep nutrition. We all know how important it is to get a good nights’ rest but Lucy breaks down the finer details of this well-known fact.

As a lot of our listeners are busy mums, broken sleep is a little too common in our daily lives and we look at factors that influence sleep patterns and how to tailor those patterns to suit your lifestyle.

We look at what it actually means to be “asleep” and the technical aspects of being in a catabolic vs anabolic state.

Lucy walks us thrsleep-stateough historic sleep patterns such as:

  • being guided naturally by the sun and moon,
  • and going to sleep at dark and waking with the light and how our modern western lifestyles have altered that natural rhythm.

We find what the best times are for the deepest rest and the type of sleep cycles our bodies go through and also the type of repair that takes place.

Stay tuned for part two, it’s filled with a whole lot more ‘sleepy’ info!

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