Christmas is just around the corner, and parties will soon be everywhere. It can be a little more difficult to remain additive-free, and while we have a few #dontstressit moments, mostly we stick to our lifestyle quite easily. In this episode, we discuss 5 things that you can do to remain as additive-free as possible, while still enjoying the best of this season.

1.   Cook from scratch

The best way to know what’s in your food? Make it yourself! Cooking from scratch allows you to control the ingredients and avoid unnecessary additives. Plus, homemade always tastes better. Think about those creamy custards or savory gravies – they’re so much better when made fresh. So, roll up those sleeves and get cooking!

If you need some inspiration on what additive-free recipes to cook this Christmas, then download our free eBook containing our Top 5 Christmas Recipes.


2.   Read labels carefully

Don’t be fooled by flashy marketing or festive packaging. Always read the labels to know what you’re consuming. If you’re unsure about certain ingredients, our app is here to help you identify and avoid additives.

3.   DIY gifts and decor

From decorations to gifts, going the DIY route not only ensures you’re avoiding additives but also adds a unique, personal touch. You can use pine cones and eucalyptus leaves as decor and personalized bonbons.  Essential oils are also good and affordable DIY gifts, where people can create their own blends using a roller bottle, essential oils, and fractionated coconut oil.

4.   Plan ahead

Reduce the stress of the big day by prepping in advance. Many dishes or components can be made ahead of time and frozen, ready to be used when needed. This not only saves time but also ensures you’re not reaching for last-minute, additive-filled alternatives.

You can freeze your foods, like vegetables, and prepare the day before to reduce workload on the day itself. Just be sure to use an air-tight container and they will store beautifully. Involve your entire family to enjoy this process.

5.   Healthy hydration

Ditch the sugary sodas and opt for healthier alternatives. Infused waters, raw cordials, or soda water with a splash of essential oils can be just as festive and refreshing.

The festive season is all about enjoying and making memories. It’s also not about perfection but making conscious choices and staying in control. So, savor the moments, indulge in moderation, and here’s to a joyful, additive-free celebration!

If you found these tips helpful, please share this episode with friends and family. Everyone deserves to have a joyful, healthy holiday season. And if you know someone looking to reduce additives in their festive celebrations, this could be the guide they need!

Much love,
Jo & Tracey