In this week’s episode of The Whole Circle Podcast we give you the low-down on all our best water-saving tips.

We’re coming at you this week with a short and snappy episode!

When we recorded this podcast it was hot, dry and in some parts of our state of Tasmania we’re in Stage 3 water restrictions.  The irony is when this podcast is released (14 February 2020), the northern states of Australia, especially Queensland and New South Wales, are experiencing horrendous flooding.  Having just come off the back of unprecedented bushfires which took a massive toll on lives, wildlife and properties.  We really are a country is severe extremes!

Even with all this excess water around at the moment, it is still incredibly important to be water conscious and to conserve as much water as we can, because our country needs it!

Here are our best water-saving tips:

Bucket in your shower or under taps

Ok, this might seem weird but think about all that water that goes down the drain whilst you’re waiting for the water to heat up whether it’s in the shower or in your sinks.  You could collect so much water just from this alone, which you could repurpose to water your plants, fill your pet’s bowl, fill the kettle, diffusers, wash your car, wash windows etc…, so many options to reuse it.

Switch your water-using appliances over to eco-friendly mode


Yes, on some appliances (think dishwashers and washing machines) this can make the cycle run a lot longer, it certainly does on Jo’s appliances, but it saves a heap of water in the long run, so it’s well worth it.

Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth


It’s simply not necessary.  It’s just water being wasted down the drain.  Even Jo is guilty of doing this!  But no more!!!

Put a timer in your shower


Tracey has a diffuser in her shower which is timed to run for 8 minutes.  Yes, 8 minutes is a long time and it can take her 8 minutes sometimes when you factor in washing hair, giving it a clean, shaving legs etc but as a general rule her shower if well and truly over, once that diffuser has finished.  Otherwise, simply have a timer in the bathroom and set it to 4 minutes so you’re conscious of not being too long in the shower.

Reuse water leftover in water bottles


When the kids (or yourself) come home from school and they’ve still got water in their water bottles, reuse it to fill the diffuser, the kettle, the dog’s bowl, to water plants etc

Repair any and all leaks around the house


Not only are you saving water, but you’re also saving money.

Clean your outdoor areas with a broom instead


You don’t need to hose your driveway down or wash your outdoor areas with water.  Simply use a broom.

Turn your evaporative cooler off (aircon)

We know this is not possible in all areas, depending on where you live.  But if possible, turn your cooler off because they use water too.  We’re talking about the ones you have to pour water into.

For air-conditioners that have a conditioner drip, pop a bucket under it, then repurpose this water to reuse elsewhere ie. to water your plants, etc.

Air purifier and condensing dryer

These appliances usually have a well where the water pools.  Instead of tipping this water down the drain, you can repurpose it to water your plants, gardens and so much more, etc.

Manually water the lawns


Instead of using a sprinkler system which you can forget about or which can over water the lawns and waste water, manually water the lawns with a hose.  This ensures the lawns are getting just the right amount of water they need. Or purchase a timer system from the local hardware store. They are easy to install and work really well.

Wash your car on the lawn


This will ensure that your lawn gets a good soaking at the same time, instead of it just washing down the drain. And turn the hose off between washing parts of the car. It is easy to just leave it running but this is a massive waste of water.

Install flow restrictors and aerators


Make sure all your taps have flow restrictors and aerators to ensure excess water isn’t wasted.

Limit the number of baths you have


Don’t have baths as often and if your kids have baths then don’t fill the bath all the way to the top, they don’t need as much water.  Try to transition them to showers sooner if you can.  These days you can get taps and pumps to send your bath water to the garden outside via the bathroom window so consider that as an option too.

Don’t flush the toilet as often


Yes, it sounds gross, but when you consider that a full flush uses approximately 6 litres of water per flush, a LOT of water literally gets flushed down the drain on a daily basis.  Are you making sure you use the half flush No. 1’s? and a full flush for No. 2’s?  Have you taught your kids the same thing?  Have you got a water-efficient toilet?  Is it time for a toilet upgrade?  Some old toilets can use up to a whopping 20 litres of water per flush!

Our Aunt used to have this sign up in her toilet that has always stuck in our heads and this is what it said:

‘If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down’.

Something to consider guys….

On that note, we’ll leave this short and snappy episode there.  Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and feel free to share this episode, along with these show notes, to anyone and everyone, cause we all need to be a bit more water-wise to help protect this beautiful planet of ours.

Jo and Tracey x

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