Wow, just wow!! In this episode of The Whole Circle we hear from Mary, a mother who was told her son was allergic to food, yes you read that right, he was highly allergic to ALL food.
This is seriously the most amazing story you will hear all year. Mary shares how she healed her son by starting to live a GAPS lifestyle…you really don’t want to miss this episode, it will inspire you to rethink everything.
For years she was told that her son was fine and that there was nothing she could do to help him, her mental health suffered, her family suffered and her whole life was a nightmare.
After five years of feeling like the worst mother, feeling hopeless and in a place of total fear, she finally found some hope, and this was in the power of food.
After hitting her lowest point and realising that her son could die (he was allergic to the medications needed to re-hydrate him) she referred back to a book she had been given years earlier, and this was a book about GAPS – Gut And Psychology Syndrome.
Prior to eating GAPS, Mary was eating, what she refers to as the SAD Diet – The Standard Australian Diet. To much sugar, lots of packaged foods, lots of bread, carbs and more. Now she is eating a diet full of healing foods, like chicken broths, veggies, fermented foods and so much more.
Mary is truly remarkable and we couldn’t be more proud of her. Her story is incredible, the determination and strength she has shown throughout this journey are to be commended. And it goes to prove that a mothers instinct is pretty darn good and that sometimes mothers do know more than doctors.
Change usually only comes when it is harder to stay where you are.
You can find out more about Mary’s remarkable story on her blog – Good Mood Food and also on Facebook.
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