In this HUGE 100th episode, we reflect back on how far we’ve truly come since the beginning of our journey, and the incredible people we have met and had on the show. We’ve had nearly 700,000 downloads since we launched the Sistermixin’ podcast show which has blown us away!

Our team expands

We are proud to have expanded our team with some equally passionate staff, including some junior staff to help us out over the summer period. Without them, we would have been completely inundated with orders (which of course is not a bad thing!).

Our girls in the warehouse have processed almost 6,000 orders, with over 19,000 products purchased. Speaking of warehouses, we had to expand to one in the past 12 months, as we kind of outgrew Jo’s spare rooms in her house! Just when we thought we covered all bases, we now realise we’re close to outgrowing the warehouse! We are over the moon that there have been over 19,000 switches to all-natural products. To us, that’s truly life-changing.

A switch of focus to ourselves

This was a big switch over the past 12 months, taking self-care and self-love on board. There’s so much room to grow in this area, but we’re definitely dedicating more time to looking after ourselves and the ones around us.

We had a great trip to the Philippines for a conference, which ended up being one of the most life-changing events we’ve ever attended, Jo took her self-care to a whole different level. One of the best things to come out of this was all the amazing people we met and their stories, but the friends we made along the way.

Our wins with our doTERRA business

We got super lucky and won a trip to Fiji with doTERRA, a competition we also took out again this year! We’re off to Uluru in South Western Northern Territory, within the next few weeks, where are also taking two of our team members along with us.  We have proudly made it to the second highest ranking within doTERRA, which shows that our hard work is really starting to pay off.

Our future goal is to reach the highest possible level with doTERRA, something that’s in our close sights! It’s not just about success in our business, but we’re passionate about helping others to also grow their doTERRA business, no matter how big or small!

There is so much financial security and freedom that comes along with our love of essential oils! Our team is made up of around 2,000 oily lovers and we just love knowing that essential oils are being used in all of our member’s homes. Again, we want to grow our awesome team to new levels this year!

Jo’s big interstate move, Tracey leaves the Navy and an unlikely business partner comes on board

Jo made a brave decision to move her whole family to Tasmania from the Brisbane. She also fully renovated her house without even seeing it! This life-changing move is already paying off and Jo absolutely loves being close to her family in Tasmania again. Queensland hasn’t even crossed her mind, although it might do so come winter time! Tracey finished up her long career with the Navy in March, and Jo’s husband quit his job as a surveyor at the end of December to work for Sistermixin’! Yes, you heard right! Good Luck!

We published around 100 brand new recipes in 2017

We’ve loved bringing in these new recipes that we created from our hearts. While a lot of these have come about spontaneously, other recipes have been trial and error, where we might have to make the recipe over 10 times to get it just right!

Our Meals Made Easy Program expands

We currently have over 800 people as part of our Meals Made Easy program, where we provide cooking prep guides, shopping lists and some of our latest recipes. We travelled around, speaking with local schools to spread some valuable knowledge to many of the parents. Our goal is to be in front of more audiences in 2018 and share our passion and story as this is a huge passion of ours!

Social media wins

On our Facebook page, we grew to over 50,0000 likes! Instagram over 13,000 followers and a huge 1.6 million views on our Facebook videos! As you can imagine, when we checked up on the stats, we nearly fell off our chairs!

Our most popular videos include Jo’s entertaining, but very real 160B video, where she goes undercover in a local supermarket, to point out just how common this toxic additive is- watch the episode here.

On our YouTube channel, we have had over 81,000 views, even though we use it very little. Perhaps in our 2018 goals, it will include posting more on YouTube, as you seem to love these videos! We now have followers from all over the world and it’s been an incredible year!

The excitement ahead

It’s official, we’re working on our very own published book! Our first draft is in our hot little hands now, and we’re currently proofreading and editing that draft. This book is all about our story, and why we began this additive-free journey. We also jump right into the science behind additives and preservatives, and we’re so excited (and a little nervous!) to launch this book. We’re aiming for a mid-2018 release date-so watch this space!

We have a lot of travel plans with doTERRA in 2018, including Sydney and America for conferences! So stick with us, get in touch if you want us to cover any specific topics, and we’d be happy to run a podcast or answer your burning questions! We would love, love, love your podcast reviews as it helps us spread our message about additives!

Our listeners are truly our inspiration, and we feel it’s our mission to spread knowledge about additives far and wide. On a more comical side, we’re happy to announce that we managed to keep our kids alive and safe, stay married and stay alive ourselves! We absolutely love what we do and this is really just the beginning for Sistermixin’!
