We all know that exercise is good for us, it makes us feel better, improves our mood, we have more energy and the statistics tell us that we will live longer by doing 30 minutes of exercise a day, sounds good to us!

In an effort to help you move more, we have put together a list of ideas to get you moving more.  All of these are totally free and can be done at home, any time of the day or night.  So, you have no more excuses…sorry you have totally run out – we don’t believe you – we are not listening (fingers in my ears singing la la la), lol.

Most of the time, the thought of doing something is worse than actually doing it, so stop making excuses and just go.

Join us on Instagram as we share a lot of our exercise routines over in Insta Stories.

So break out that active wear and pump up the tunes….it’s time to start moving…

Five Free Ways To Get Active – TODAY

exercise walkGet outside:  Grab those running shoes from the back of your cupboard and go outside for a brisk 30-minute walk.  It is so probably the easiest thing in the world to do and it is totally free. Go alone and listen to your favourite music, or grab the dog/friend/partner or kids and take them with you.  It is so refreshing and uplifting, you will come back feeling more energised, thinking clearer and with a sense of accomplishment.


Jump on Youtube: The trick here is, don’t get distracted by all those stuexercise yogapid cat videos, but look up yoga instead.  There are some amazing yoga videos on YouTube, with a level for everyone.  So grab that yoga mat, dust it off and get started.  Again, this is totally free and you can do this in the comfort of your own home.  No need for expensive gym memberships, all you need is a little bit of discipline and you will be fine.  If you don’t like yoga, there are plenty of other workouts to choose from.

exerciseTake on a Challenge:
  There are literally hundreds of challenges on social media, just find one that is right for you, rope in a couple of friends and keep each other accountable.  Between the two of us, we have undertaken a range of challenges over the years. Things like a six-week food and nutrition challenge, or 100 days of exercise challenge, 10,000 steps challenge and even a pushup challenge. They are a bit of fun and will get you moving in a variety of ways.

exercise kids


Play With The Kids: Get out on the trampoline with them, walk to the local park and chase them around, or play some type of game (like Wii dance) with them. You will be surprised how much energy you use, just having some fun. The flip side of this is it also gets the kids moving, allowing them to burn off some energy as well.

exercise dance


Dance: This might seem silly for some people, but dancing around the house can be the best workout ever. Put on your favourite tunes, turn them up loud and get moving (and laughing). If you can bust out some moves for around 15 minutes you will be on your way to achieving that 30 mins of daily exercise that was recommended above.

Right now, we challenge you to pick one of these five things and do it today – not tomorrow, but today!!

Send this list to a friend and make them join in, keep each other accountable, that way if you are feeling a bit slack, you will have someone else to encourage you along.  You have absolutely nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

There are a few other ways to get active for free – gardening, housework, skipping rope, hula-hooping, take the stairs instead of the lift, park an extra block or two away from work and walk, do 20 squats every time you go to the loo or 20 lunges every time you make a coffee…there are loads of ways to move a little bit more each day, so make it a part of your routine!

Share how you fit in a little bit of extra ‘movement’ into your daily routine, we love hearing all the different suggestions.