I’m an active person who competes in triathlons which means that I have to train a lot in the pool and am regularly exposed to chlorine, plus, we have a pool at home and most days, my kids are in it 💦🍩

Here are five holistic practices to help detox from the chlorine:

1. Pre-swim Shower 🚿

Rinse your skin and hair with clean water before entering the pool. When your skin is saturated with fresh water, it absorbs less chlorine from the pool. We have heard suggestions that you can also apply a thin layer of natural oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) as a barrier, however, this will affect the water in the pool and may leave a film of oil on top (water and oil don’t mix).  This could make your local swimming pool pretty mad and affect the PH levels – so just get approval first.

2. Zendocrine (Detox Blend) Essential Oil Post-Swim

doTERRA’s Zendocrine essential oil blend is specifically designed to help our bodies detox (in America it is called the ‘Detox Blend’.  In AU it’s called the ‘Reset Blend’).  Here are three ways you can use it to help detox after chlorine exposure:

  1. After showering add 2-3 drops of it to your low-tox body moisturiser (we use doTERRA’s) and rub it all over your body.  Your body will thank you for the hydration boost.
  2. Get an empty (and cleaned out) spray bottle (50-100ml) and mostly fill it with witch hazel, then top with 20-30 drops of Zendocrine and shake to mix together. Spritz it all over your body.  This works particularly well on your kids to quickly get it onto their skin without any fuss.
  3. Add 20 drops to a 10ml roller bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil and roll it up and down your spine and bottoms of your feet as well as onto your children in the same spots as well.

If you want to get your hands on Zendocrine, we have curated a Fitness Pack.

It includes:
👉🏻 Zendocrine 15ml
👉🏻 Tea Tree 15ml (good for nail fungal infections often obtained at the pool)
👉🏻 Ice Blue Rub (just like Deep Heat, but natural)
👉🏻 Root to Tip Hair Oil (SO GOOD for dry hair!!)

Grab that pack here.

3. Use a Vitamin C Spray Post-Swim (recipe below)

Create a homemade spray using powdered Vitamin C (ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate) dissolved in water. Spray it on your skin and hair after swimming to neutralise chlorine. This helps prevent dryness and irritation caused by residual chlorine.  The only downfall to this is that it won’t store and must be made fresh each and every time.

A great Vitamin C can be found at Part&Parcel HERE – use discount code: additive-free-20 for $20 off orders over $99.

Feel free to add 3-4 drops of Zendocrine Essential Oil Blend to the spray.

4. Hydrate Your Body

Chlorine exposure can dehydrate your skin and body. Drink plenty of clean filtered water before and after swimming to support your skin’s natural barrier and flush out toxins.

5. Natural Detox Baths (recipe below)

After swimming, soak in a detox bath to remove chlorine and other chemicals. Add Epsom salts, baking soda, and a few drops of essential oils (like Zendocrine) to your bathwater. This helps relax muscles and detoxify the skin.


Detox Bath Soak


  • 1 cup Epsom salts
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 10 drops essential oils (Zendocrine blend is great or lavender, eucalyptus, and/or rosemary for detoxifying and soothing effects)
  • Optional: 1 cup apple cider vinegar (balances skin pH)


  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water.
  2. Mix the essential oils in with the Epsom salts and then dissolve the Epsom salts, baking soda, and apple cider vinegar (if using) into the water.
  3. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse with clean water after the bath.

Post-Swim Vitamin C Spray Recipe


  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate) – discount code above
  • 1 cup distilled or filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel (for added hydration and soothing properties)
  • 5-10 drops of essential oil (optional: Zendocrine blend or lavender, chamomile, and/or tea tree for calming and skin-nourishing effects)
  • glass spray bottle (100ml/4 oz size is ideal)


  1. Dissolve the Vitamin C powder in the distilled water. Stir until fully dissolved.
  2. Add the aloe vera gel and mix thoroughly.
  3. If desired, add essential oils for fragrance and extra skin benefits. Stir well.
  4. Pour the mixture into a clean, dry spray bottle.
  5. Shake well before each use.

How to Use:

  • After swimming, spray the mixture generously over your skin and hair.
  • Gently rub it in, especially on areas prone to dryness or irritation.
  • Rinse off with fresh water or leave it on for added hydration and protection.

Storage Tip: Keep the spray in a cool, dark place and use within 2 hours, as Vitamin C can degrade over time.

BONUS TIP: Switch Your Home Pool to Magnesium

We have a pool at home.  When we bought our house it was a chlorine based pool which we, with the help of our local pool shop, switched over to magnesium.  Switching from a chlorine pool to a magnesium pool is easier than you might think, it was literally just adding a bag of magnesium and cost us $80.

You do need a special filter (which we already had) so don’t do this without talking to the pool shop!

Why Switch to a Magnesium Pool?

  • Gentler on Skin & Eyes – No more red eyes, itchy skin, or that strong chlorine smell.
  • Better Water Quality – Magnesium naturally purifies water, keeping it crystal clear.
  • Health Benefits – Magnesium is absorbed through the skin, promoting muscle relaxation and overall well-being.
  • Eco-Friendly – Less reliance on harsh chemicals means it’s better for the environment.

Your pool will still need some chlorine, but it uses a lot less and is much better for you with the added benefit of the magnesium.  If this is something you want to look into further, then I highly recommend you go and speak to your local pool shop so that they can step you through the process.

Of course, everyone should do what works best for them, but we absolutely love swimming and aren’t about to give it up anytime soon!

Thankfully by implementing these tips, I am doing all I can to help detox my body and help me feel great afterwards!

Much love,
Jo x