SINCE 2014

Hi, we are Tracey and Joanne, two mothers, both wives and both into living the healthiest and happiest lifestyles we can. Together we created Sistermixin’ which has now grown to become Additive-Free Lifestyle.

We are passionate about changing the way you look at food by spreading the message that additives and preservatives can be toxic to your health.

Our mission is to educate everyone (especially our own families) on exactly what you are eating, what is in our food and some of the harmful effects this can have on your health.

Growing up our mother baked and made things from scratch, we spent our teenage years on a dairy farm and had access to organic, grass-fed meat. We had free-range chickens and grew lots of veggies ourselves, however, there was certainly packet food in the pantry, just not like there is today!


As we grew up and moved out of home, things started to change and convenience foods made their way into our diets.  It wasn’t like we ate terribly, we certainly had fruit, veg and home cooked meals.  We both baked biscuits and cakes etc, but we didn’t think about what we put in our supermarket trolley.

A typical day would look something like:
– Vegemite on toast with margarine, or cereal.
– Ham salad sandwich or spinach wrap.
– Meat and veg with instant tinned gravy for dinner.
– Snacks was fruit and packet options like Shapes, or Tiny Teddies, or something from a ‘snack bag’.  Maybe even kabana and cheese on crackers or a homemade treat.

We had some starter packets for Beef Stroganoff and the like and the occasional 2-minute noodles.

Little did we know that we were consuming multiple harmful additives a day, some heavily linked to bowel cancer, hyperactivity, headaches, restlessness, and more!!!

It was 2013 when Jo started to look into additives to help her daughter who was going through some pretty horrible behavioural issues.  As soon as they took the ‘additives’ out her daughter calmed right down and things improved out of this world!


We have now gone on to release four cookbooks, everyday additive-free, everyday additive-free lunchbox edition, everyday additive-free party edition and everyday additive-free camping edition.  These are full of family-friendly, budget-conscious recipes as well as scientific information about additives and preservatives.  We also have more cookbooks on the horizon so stay tuned!

We launched our podcast show, The Additive-Free Lifestyle Podcast back in May 2016 and have recorded over 180 episodes which have had over 100,000 downloads!

Our signature program Addititive-Free Made Easy retired in 2022 as we have our additive-free lifestyle App!!

You can check that out here.

Life has become a lot more in control for both of us and we are loving it… so what are you waiting for, come along for the ride, it’s pretty amazing and you won’t regret it!


We have an amazing world-wide community of like-minded people who love living an additive-free lifestyle and want to learn more and stay on track.  Feel free to follow us @additivefreelifestyle on both Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube.



It is our mission to provide high-quality, scientific information for everyone to enjoy. We will only ever provide honest advice and would never recommend anything that doesn’t fit within our personal or business morals.


We love our families more than anything in this world and part of our mission as mums is to keep them as safe as possible. This means feeding them food free from chemicals and living an additive and preservative free life.


Without our community we are nothing. We value your honest feedback, we love all the support we receive and we will always continue to pay-back to our community in the best way we know how, sharing our advice, recipes and more.


We are passionate about spreading the message about additives and preservatives. We are doing this by sharing as many recipes as we can, via our website, our books, program, and our App.

Stick Around

We look forward to showing all that can be achieved by living an additive-free lifestyle and we hope you stick around.

Much love,
Jo & Tracey x