Since we began recording The Whole Circle podcast, we have learnt amazing amounts of knowledge, on a huge variety of topics, from all the amazing people we interview. In this episode, we share all the best tips that will dramatically improve your lifestyle and help you achieve more out of your day!

Do you find yourself glued to your phone on social media at bedtime? Perhaps you finish watching TV and roll straight into bed. We discuss how limiting screen time at night, can dramatically improve sleep quality and stress levels, and the top habits you can pass onto your kids.

We discuss all the benefits of starting a food diary linking the type of food you eat, to how you feel afterward, including removing harmful chemicals from your diet and the impact it has on your overall energy.

It’s just so important to create routines in your family that allow you to sleep at the same time each night and have your body follow its natural routine. We talk about why early bed and early rise, helps you to squeeze much more time into your day.

We found out through some of our great interviews over the past few months, that it’s so vital to dedicate pockets of time to yourself. We talk about how utilising your workday lunch hour for exercise, will see you powering through the rest of the afternoon with energy. We discuss the benefits of daily meditation and intention setting, holistic health care and much, much more.

You don’t want to miss this blockbuster episode – it’s bursting at the seams with life-changing tips!

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Past episodes discussed in this episode

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