In this episode, we share our top five tips to budget better. We are on a mission to help you reach your financial goals! Money doesn’t have to be stressful and once you can get a grasp on what’s going out of your bank account, you’ll feel much more confident in meeting your financial goals and targets.

Do you find yourself in the habit of spending more than you earn? In today’s society, this is all too easy to do! We talk about interest-free traps and ways to break out of this cycle and get ahead. We discuss the advantages of setting up a separate bank account, for bills alone, and how this helps with your daily spending over the course of the year.

If you have teenagers, this is a great episode to tune into as we touch on the importance of teaching them about finances, especially if they’ve started working part-time or saving for their first car. We find this guidance absolutely invaluable for setting them up for financial responsibility.

We go through everything from setting realistic time frames, meal planning and the benefits of high-interest saving accounts. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel pretty inspired to reach your financial goals and dreams!

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