At the start of every round of our life-changing-course, Additive Free Made Easy, we give everyone the task of sharing why they started the course in the first place. We are always blown away by the responses and go through a range of emotions from crying to laughing out loud.

One thing we notice is the ever-increasing amount of children being diagnosed with behavioural issues and the connections that additives are at the centre of these issues. We are so proud of the awareness being raised and how a potential lifetime of medication is being avoided by simply making a few changes toåÊthe food consumed.

Jo touches on her personal story and how she was able to cancel an appointment she had booked for her daughter at an ADHD clinic in Brisbane. During the five-month wait period for that appointment, Jo made some decisions that altered the course of her life, and that of her entire family. But it doesn’t stop with Jo, we have heard all sorts of amazing stories as well – ranging from taking children off medications designed for ADHD (or massively lowering the dosage), adults and children sleeping better, fussy kids eating more varieties of food, adults becoming less moody, women reducing menopause medications …it has been phenomenal – and it all started with an improvement in the foods that were being consumed.

We talk about common hurdles when going additive free, such as grandparents spoiling the kids with junk food.

We are so happy with this community we have created! We think the icing on the cake is the exclusive Facebook group you join once you are a paid member of AFME. This group is amazing and helps you to keep on track with all the support and accountability provided within it.

For more information about Additive Free Made Easy head to the links below, we’d love to see you there as well.

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