In today’s episode, we chat with Dr. Brett Hill who loves to inspire others to lead a full life of energy and vitality. His biggest passion is helping families overcome eating issues, especially the all too common, fussy kids!

Dr. Brett Hill is co-host of The Wellness Couch and his own podcast show called That Paleo Show. He’s an author of numerous books (Nourish without Nagging, How to eat an Elephant and recently, The Barefoot Athlete). He is no stranger to TV shows, numerous events, and radio talkback. He also holds a Bachelor of Health Science and Masters of Chiropractic.

In his early 20s, Dr. Brett realised that it was time to make a change. He had been the kind of child who was always sick, not terribly sick, but not terribly well either. For as long as he could remember he had suffered from coughs and colds at least half a dozen times a year, he didn’t sleep well, was low in energy and not particularly fit. He realised that he had been doing the same things over and over again (including regular doses of antibiotics) and kept getting the same results. He decided to do something different.

Dr. Brett realised that if he wanted better health he was going to have to make better choices. At the time he thought nothing of a lunch consisting of a pie, a pasty, a 1.25L soft drink and a chocolate bar. He would regularly go out and drink more than he should, and he did little to no exercise. Something had to give. Over the course of the next decade, he gradually turned his life around. He started getting regular chiropractic care, cleaned up his diet, started exercising well and in the process, he learned what it takes to make real life-long changes to lifestyle and health.

Brett shares with us new and unique concepts to help encourage your fussy kids to want to eat vegetables rather than making them eat vegetables. He gives real-life advice that’s tried and true, including getting our kids involved in the entire food process, right from setting the menu to buying the items, to helping cook it all. He tries to look at things from the child’s point of view and relate to them at their level, from their perspective!

We talk about why the key to the best eating habits is consistency, but that you don’t need to strive for perfection! There are always exceptions to the rules and it’s all about improvement in small steps. We discuss why the effort you put in now is going to save you 100x more effort down the track and ultimately leave you with more me time.

From a chiropractic standpoint, Dr. Brett Hill believes an optimal functioning spine and the nervous system gives children their best chance for everything else in their body to function properly. We delve into different approaches to health and wellness and discussions about your regular doctor’s main goals and how it differs from holistic health.

This is an interview you don’t want to miss and we wish we were empowered with some of these hints and tips when our fussy kids were a bit younger (especially Tracey)

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