We’re honoured to be chatting with Victoria, a single mum of two who walks us down the bumpy roads of her past and how she is now helping others to achieve their goals and be the best that they can be.

Victoria went through her first stomach operation when she was 10 months old and has been in and out of the hospital most of her life. She has experienced deep depression after multiple surgeries and she knew she had to take steps to turn her life around and get her health back on track.

We place a microscope on the changes she made in her life, in particular with regard to her mental health and how she managed her stress levels. Victoria discusses the biological effects of negative emotions on the body, especially at a cellular level. We look into the attributes of self-love and self-respect and why it’s so important to pass this knowledge onto ouråÊchildren, especially those going through their teenage years, as it serves a solid foundation to get them through the many challenges of being a teenager.

Victoria also focuses on why open communication is so vital to your children early on, in order to set them up for healthy relationships in the future.

Victoria has a huge focus on meditation, yoga and mindfulness and guides us through some simple breathing techniques that you can incorporate throughout your day, to add meaning to moments that would otherwise slip away. These techniques assist in calming the central nervous system and lowering heart rate and blood pressure. She works with many clients who are dealing with cancer and can witness first hand how beneficial these techniques are to them.

One of Victoria’s top pieces of advice is to freeze the moments throughout the day that you are most grateful for and utilise that buzz and energy to get you through the harder times. She pours her passion into mothering, watching others grow, shine and overcome negative situations in their lives.

If you would like to join Victoria’s next course you can find out more information via this affiliate link

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Dr Emoto’s water experiment- power of thoughts: