In this episode, we are excited to be talking to Cole Clayton who is a health coach specialist focusing on breathing programs for kids. After suffering from breathing problems in his younger years, Cole became highly curious on the topic and made a strong link between regulation of emotion and proper breathing in children.

Cole discusses how Breathing and Face Gym programs work because they relate to really key control systems of the body. Breathing is vital to survival and so is the ability to chew and swallow. Without these vital functions, the body can be compromised. This means that if there is a problem with breathing or swallowing the body has to change somehow to preserve function!

So how do you know if your child has any breathing issue? Cole talks about the tell-tale signs to look out for, such as waking up tired, breathing via their mouth, difficulty concentrating or grinding their teeth.

He also shares some inspiring success stories of problem sleepers, with one young girl taking up to four hours to fall asleep due to breathing issues!

We learn about factors that come into play in breathing problems and when it’s time to step in and take an intervention to improve sleep, mood and overall quality of life.

Cole shares some of the most common results he has seen, including:

  • improved energy
  • improved sleepless snoring, teeth grinding and open mouth breathing at night
  • improved concentration and focus ability
  • improved coordination and strength/sporting ability
  • improved mood regulation and stability

This was a fascinating interview and it certainly made the both of us take a closer look at our breathing. Jo actually spent the next few weeks checking on her kids whilst they slept, to see if they were mouth breathing or not!

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